poznawanie języka angielskiego w Irlandii - Dublin

STEAM Methodology for Secondary Teachers – ATC-T4
ATC Language Schools

This practical STEAM methodology course looks at engaging, collaborative and interactive activities that teachers can use to create cross-curricular lessons that focus on STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths). This course specifically focuses on the effective set up, delivery and assessment of project-based lesson content and how it can encourage learner autonomy and 21st Century Skills.

This course is for teachers in middle schools and high schools who wish to explore the methodology behind STEAM based lessons and courses.

Applicants must have a minimum B2 level of English, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The main aim of this course is to help teachers:
- plan STEAM lessons that will suit their particular subjects and learner needs while ensuring a cross-curricular focus;
- understand how to integrate digital literacy, sustainability, inclusion and diversity into project-based STEAM lessons and materials;
- develop materials, select digital resources and design activities which are engaging and motivating for students;
- focus on learner autonomy, project-based learning and deliver STEAM lessons in a student-centred way.

1) STEM Methodology (see Sample Programme below)
2) Project Work
Teachers are set assigned project work at the end of each day. They are set a maximum of 10 hours of project work per week, which they carry out over the week. The aim of the project work is to encourage teachers to research various aspects of STEAM methodology, tasks and subjects and then put this research into practice by planning a full STEAM lesson with materials to be presented or delivered at the end of the course. Teachers will work in groups of 4 or 5 to plan, write material and team teach at the end of the course.

1) Monday - STEAM Overview
Teachers are introduced to the basic methodology behind STEAM. They will have the opportunity to create their own mini lesson based on the new methodology they are introduced to on Day 1.
2)) Tuesday - Combining STEAM Subjects
Teachers take a closer look at the subjects of Science (biology, chemistry and physics) Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths. They look at sub-topics within these subjects and work together to make links between subjects. They also analyse how sub-topics from these subjects can be combined to create well-balanced STEAM lessons.
3) Wednesday - A Deeper Investigation into Methodology and Tasks
The aim of this module is to take a closer look at Discovery-/Inquiry-based Learning and Project-based Teaching Methodology. Teachers analyse authentic ATC STEAM materials with this methodology in mind, and then work together to create STEAM tasks that are engaging, student-centred and encourage research and curiosity in learners. Teachers then apply these types of tasks to their project work, moving towards completing their full lesson plan and materials.
4) Thursday - Teaching STEAM Online and Using Online Tools Effectively
This module focuses on the difference between delivering a STEAM course in a face-to-face setting and delivering it online. Trainees investigate online teaching via different platforms along with digital tools and software that help to keep online lessons interactive, communicative and engaging.
5) Trainer-directed Preparation, Team Teaching and Presentations
Teachers complete the final aspects of their lesson plan and materials, supported by ATC’s STEAM trainers. The end of this session is dedicated to the team-taught delivery of the STEAM lesson teachers have developed during the project work of the course.

By the end of the course teachers should:
- Have a clear understanding of the theory of discovery and inquiry-based teaching and project-based learning.
- Have a clear understanding of the methodology behind STEAM.
- Know how to combine STEAM subjects using real life problems and current topics relevant to their students’ interests and identities.
- Be able to plan and deliver engaging, collaborative and interactive STEAM lessons with a cross-curricular focus.
- Understand how to integrate digital literacy, sustainability, inclusion and diversity into project-based STEAM lessons and materials.
- Be able to develop materials, select digital resources and design activities which are engaging and motivating for students.
- Be able to assess project-based content.
- Use digital tools with confidence to deliver STEAM lessons online.
- Encourage and foster student autonomy by providing students with opportunities to reflect on what and how they are learning.

- Lessons: 20 hours tuition + 10 hours of project work per week
- Course materials included
- Trainer feedback on project work
- Interactive discussions with other teachers
- End-of-course certificate

If minimum number per course are not met, we will offer participants a combination of General English development and Teacher Training Development as an alternative. Therefore:
- For courses with 9 particpants or more we will offer the full course as indicated.
- For courses with 5-8 particpants we will offer 20 hours General English and 10 hours of Teacher Training Development in the afternoons.
- For courses with 1-4 particpants we will offer 20 hours General English and 5 hours of Teacher Training Development in the afternoons.

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

bilard *, bowling *, cycling *, ice scating *

art and craft workshops, board games, city tour/walk, conversation practice, cultural activities, guided city tours *, guided museum tours *, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, school party, sightseeng

Moher Cliffs *, Guiness Storehouse *, Jameson Destillery *, St Patrick Cathedral, Dublin Castle *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.