poznawanie języka angielskiego w Irlandii - Dublin

Blended Learning and Language Development – CED-T3
Centre of English Studies

This course focuses on the fundamental aspects of blended learning and how it is utilised in the modern classroom. In conjunction with this focus, this course has a key element of language development in order to aid the course participants’ ability to deliver effective language lessons. In this course we will look at the role of the teacher in a blended classroom and some of the key tools which can be utilised in the blended context.

This course is suitable for teachers at any stage of their career, from novice to expert. We will give a suitable grounding in key areas of blended learning and progress at an appropriate speed for the participant. Even the most ardent technophobe will benefit!

This course aims to prepare teachers in the effective integration of technology into their classroom. We will look at the teachers’ beliefs and preferences and suggest areas where technology could be used to enhance and build upon their experience and expertise. This course will give the participants the confidence to successfully integrate technology into most of their lessons. We will also aim to focus on key elements of the participants’ language skills and improve these.

This course will focus on the utilisation of technology in the class, with a particular focus on the SAMR model. We will look at making tech choices which are appropriate to the learning needs of your students in their context. This course will seek to provide practical solutions and suggestions to support teachers at their own level.

1) Monday
- Introduction to Blended Learning
- Adapting and Using Authentic Materials
- Irish Culture
2) Tuesday
- The Receptive Skills
- Online Tools for Language Development
3) Wednesday
- The Productive Skills
- Teaching Grammar and Lexis with Technology
- Support session in Tech use
4) Thursday
- Language Development Session
- Lesson Planning
5) Friday
- Teaching Practice
- Feedback and Reflection



Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.